12 NPM commands every developer should be aware of

12 NPM commands every developer should be aware of

npm is a package management solution for node js, If you think npm stands for node package management, then you’re wrong, It ‘s not an acronym. npm put modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently. Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop node programs.

Photo by Paul Esch-Laurent on Unsplash

Some npm commands, which I believe every developer must be aware of

  1. npm i
    Here i stands for install. It installs all the packages
    mentioned in package.json.
  2. npm install -production
    It installs all the packages mentioned in package.json, except
    the dev dependencies.
  3. npm i request
    It installs a package with name of “request”, you can use your
    package name.
  4. npm install — save-dev request
    It installs the specific package as a dev dependency, in my case
    the name is “request”.
  5. npm list
    It lists the versions and name of all dependencies in the current
  6. npm update It updates all the production packages in the current directory.
  7. npm install -g nodemon It installs a package globally on your machine, with -g flag. In
    this case, nodemon will be installed globally.
  8. npm remove request
    It uninstalls / removes a previously installed node module in the
    current directory.
  9. npm -v
    It displays the npm version installed on your system.
  10. npm doctor
    It checks our environment so that our npm installation has what
    it needs to manage our JavaScript packages.
  11. npm outdated
    This command will check the registry to see if any (or, specific) installed packages are currently outdated.
  12. npm audit & npm audit fix
    Scan your project for vulnerabilities and automatically install any compatible updates to vulnerable dependencies

Thanks for reading for more info related to npm commands, check here